M2 FCN - Conferences
Fundamental and Clinical Neurosciences
This series of conferences takes place each year from September to December and is organized into thematic modules, with French and international specialists invited to present their latest research. The conferences are financed by the UCBL and the LabEx CORTEX. The research topics are related to the expertise present within the Lyon neuroscience community. The conferences are open to the scientific community.
- A journey through epilepsy: from the neurobiology to advance therapy – organised by Vincent Magloire (CRNL)
Conferences by Amanda ALMACELLAS BARBANOJ (University College London), Laetitia CHAUVIERE (University of Cologne), Elena DOSSI (Collège de France), Wanda GRABON / Laurent BEZIN (CRNL), Christophe HENRICH (SBRI), Julien JUNG (CRNL), Elif KOKSAL ERSOZ (CRNL), Vincent MAGLOIRE (CRNL), Jean-Bernard MANENT (INMED), Gareth MORRIS (Manchester University), Sylvain RHEIMS (CRNL), Amy RICHARDSON (University College London).
- Updates on neuromodulation techniques – organised by Marine Mondino (CRNL), Marion Richard (CRNL) & Jérôme Sallet (SBRI)
Conferences by Jérôme SALLET (SBRI), W. Apoutou N’DJIN (LabTAU), Adam WILLIAMSON (International Clinical Research Center of Brno & Karolinska Institutet), Jérôme BRUNELIN (CRNL), Andrea ANTAL (Goettingen University), Dezso NEMETH (CRNL), Vincent VAN WAES (LINC), Nir GROSSMAN (Imperial College, London), Marine MONDINO (CRNL), Marine VERNET (CRNL), Cécilia NEIGE (CRNL), Estelle RAFFIN (EPFL)
Computational Neurosciences
Bridging empirical findings and computational models: from neurons to circuits, networks and cognition
- Neuronal dynamics, from physiology to cognition
- Neural dynamics, from cells to whole brain
- Neural dynamics for flexible decision making
- Artificial and altered brains
Advanced Clinical Neurosciences
- Schizophrenia
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Autism