M2 FCN - Teaching Program
Fundamental and Clinical Neurosciences
The M2 FCN program provides students with a solid neuroscientific training including theoretical courses, practical sessions, and research projects. These elements are critical for the integration of knowledge and its practical application to problems of a neuro-physiological or neuro-pathological nature. The first semester enables students to gain specialized knowledge in their fields of interest via optional teaching Units, the second semester is fully dedicated to laboratory internships.
M2 FCN planning (restricted access)

First Semester
Disciplinary Courses
Scientific Tools
Scientific conferences given by French and international experts on hot topics in the different levels of analysis covered by Neurosciences. Topics are renewed each year. Extensive time is dedicated to discussions between the students and the speakers, aiming to develop in-depth scientific reasoning and networking. See also M2 FCN conferences.
More info: NeuroConf
Coordinator/s: Marion RICHARD (marion.richard@univ-lyon1.fr)
This teaching unit aims at mastering methods used for understanding, selecting and using appropriate and advanced statistics in biology such as non parametric tests, ANOVA (>2 factors), mutiple regressions (linear, logistic, mixed), PCA/CFA, and classification.
More info: Stats
Coordinator/s: Philippe BOULINGUEZ (philippe.boulinguez@univ-lyon1.fr) & Marion RICHARD (marion.richard@univ-lyon1.fr)
Project management
More info: Project
Coordinator/s: Philippe BOULINGUEZ (philippe.boulinguez@univ-lyon1.fr) & Anne DIDIER (anne.didier@univ-lyon1.fr)
English courses specifically designed for scientific communication. This includes writing of scientific articles, training for poster presentation, job interviews and writing letters for editors/reviewers.
More info: English
Coordinator/s: Nathalie DOURLOT (nathalie.dourlot@univ-lyon1.fr)
Optional Units
Neural Bases of Cognition
Conferences series by national and international experts studying the neural bases of primate cognition, in the healthy and pathological brain, with a specific emphasis on perception, action, high level cognition and brain plasticity. New technical developments in functional neuroimaging and electrophysiological recordings are highlighted. See also M2 FCN conferences.
More info: Cognition
Coordinator/s: Irene CRISTOFORI (irene.cristofori@univ-lyon1.fr) & Céline AMIEZ (celine.amiez@inserm.fr)
Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences
Conference series by national and international experts studying the modifications of the brain’s structure and function at the cellular and sub-cellular levels, during brain development, brain plasticity and brain repair. A special emphasis is given to neuron-glia communication and cutting-edge methodologies in neurobiology. See also M2 FCN conferences.
More info: Neurobio
Coordinator/s: Marion RICHARD (marion.richard@univ-lyon1.fr) & Olivier PASCUAL (olivier.pascual@inserm.fr)
Computational Neurosciences
Computational neuroscience aims to understand the brain through theoretical, mathematical and computational means. This field is in full expansion leading to new tools to understand and study the brain at different scales, to simulate neuronal and cognitive mechanisms, and to build programs or machines having properties mimicking those of the nervous system. This course is meant to be accessible to biologists, psychologists, engineers, as well as clinicians and aims at familiarizing students with scientific modelling in the field of Neuroscience. Conference series are given by national and international experts. See also M2 FCN conferences.
More info: NeuroComp
Coordinator/s: Matteo Di Volo (matteo.di-volo@univ-lyon1.fr) & Jérémie MATTOUT (jeremie.mattout@inserm.fr)
Advanced Clinical Neurosciences
Conference series by national and international experts presenting different levels of analysis covered by clinical neurosciences. A special emphasis is given to cutting-edge methodologies used to study the neural underpinning of brain dysfunctions in neurological and psychiatric diseases. Extensive time is dedicated to discussions between the students and the speakers, aiming to develop in-depth scientific reasoning and networking. See also M2 FCN conferences.
More info: Adv Clinical
Coordinator/s: Irene CRISTOFORI (irene.cristofori@univ-lyon1.fr) & Frédéric HAESEBAERT (frederic.haesebaert@ch-le-vinatier.fr)
Neuroimmunology – Autoimmunity, Infection, Inflammation
This teaching unit builds on students’ basic neurology and immunology knowledge to develop fundamental research concepts in neuro-immunology that have applications in clinical and pharmaceutical research in the field of neuro-inflammatory, neuro-degenerative and neuro-infectious diseases. The course proposes highly interactive inverted-classes, as well as conferences by local and external experts.
More info: A2I
Coordinator/s: Christine DELPRAT (christine.delprat@univ-lyon1.fr) & Romain MARIGNIER (romain.marignier@chu-lyon.fr)
Second Semester
Full-immersion in the world of academic Neuroscience research for a period of 5 to 6 months. Possibility to access to the many technological platforms present on the Lyon-St-Etienne site. Students can also do their internship in other French laboratories or abroad. See also M2 FCN internships.
More info: Neurosciences Laboratory Internship