M2 SNA - Teaching Program
Sensory Neurosciences and Analysis
The M2 SNA provides students with a solid background in neuroscience and sensory analysis. It includes theoretical and practical classes, external interventions from experts, and training in the field of sensory analysis.

First Semester
Disciplinary Courses
Scientific Tools
Psychophysiology of perception
The teaching unit addresses the core psychophysiological mechanisms underpinning the perception of senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste), their integration, and their relation with cognition (attention, memory) and emotion. The unit proposes standard and highly interactive inverted-classes, and practical classes with a focus on techniques used to measure perception in humans.
More info: PsychoPhy
Coordinator/s: Irene CRISTOFORI (irene.cristofori@univ-lyon1.fr)
Sensory Analysis and consumer studies
This teaching unit provides the sensorial analysis tools to perform quantitative and qualitative consumer studies in different fields. The unit proposes standard and practical classes, and interventions from external experts in different fields of the sensory analysis domain (e.g. Institute Paul Bocuse).
More info: Sensory Analysis
Coordinator/s: Irene CRISTOFORI (irene.cristofori@univ-lyon1.fr) and Agnès GIBOREAU (agnes.giboreau@institutpaulbocuse.com)
Business Applications
This teaching unit provides 1) several lectures with professionals from various fields involved in sensory analysis and 2) means to implement the project elaborated in the UE Project (experimenting, results reporting, and recommendations to the sponsor).
More info: BusinessApp
Coordinator/s: Anne DIDIER (anne.didier@univ-lyon1.fr)
Data Processing
This teaching unit provides training on the specific statistical issues and softwares used for the analysis of multidimentional sensory & perception data sets through practical sessions on data sets from different types of experiments (sensory profiles, consumer studies, …). This training includes data formatting and reporting, as well as management of professional contexts and complex studies.
More info: Data
Coordinator/s: Anne DIDIER (anne.didier@univ-lyon1.fr)
This teaching unit aims at mastering methods used for understanding, selecting and using appropriate and advanced statistics in biology such as non parametric tests, ANOVA (>2 factors), mutiple regressions (linear, logistic, mixed), PCA/CFA, and classification.
More info: Stats
Coordinator/s: Philippe BOULINGUEZ (philippe.boulinguez@univ-lyon1.fr) & Marion RICHARD (marion.richard@univ-lyon1.fr)
Project management
More info: Project
Coordinator/s: Philippe BOULINGUEZ (philippe.boulinguez@univ-lyon1.fr) & Anne DIDIER (anne.didier@univ-lyon1.fr)
English courses specifically designed for scientific communication. This includes writing of scientific articles, training for poster presentation, job interviews and writing letters for editors/reviewers.
More info: English
Coordinator/s: Nathalie DOURLOT (nathalie.dourlot@univ-lyon1.fr)
Second Semester
Internship in a company
Full-immersion in the world of sensorial analysis in a company for a period of 6 months in France or abroad. Students can also apply for their internship to the work/study training program (alternance, alternating one month at the University and one month at the company during the first semester and entirely at the company during the second semester).
More info: Professional Internship