The EIFFEL excellence program provides fellowships for international students
12 to 24 months fellowship for Master students entering the program at the M1 or M2 level (1181 euros per month).
Please find here eligibility criteria and application process at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Note that application is submitted to the EIFFEL program by the Master of Neurosciences, in relation with the international department of UCB Lyon 1.
Candidates should contact
- Corine Amat for M1 application (corine.amat[at]univ-lyon1.fr)
- Marion Richard for M2 FCN application (marion.richard[at]univ-lyon1.fr)
- Irene Cristofori for M2 SNA application (irene.cristofori[at]univ-lyon1.fr)
and provide the elements listed in the application file to demonstrate the excellence of their application.
A first step of selection will be made by the Master of Neurosciences, before finalization of the application with the pre-selected candidate and UCB Lyon 1 university.
Exact calendar and procedure may evolve. Check the UCBL website and Eiffel program website for updates each year.